Ivan Stojakovic

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Artist Statement:

The Urban Wild refers to remnants of a natural ecosystem found in the midst of an otherwise highly developed urban area. While being environmentally and formally aware, my recent work explores interactions between primal and urban agencies in the global village. In my exploratory process, I use industrial tools to transform composite panels into abstract topographies. My work is interactive with the viewer, requiring the viewer to tend to the ever-evolving plants embedded in the work. This exploration has led me to discover a new way of merging sculpture, painting and the live wall. While drawing references from natural and fabricated systems, my approach to forming images, has been expressionistic and primal. This approach has allowed me to introduce a tactile, colorful and emotional – ‘ecological self’ into the complex equations of environmental balance.

Bridgette Mayer Gallery   709 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106   tel 215 413 8893   fax 215 413 2283   bmayer@bmayerart.com   Site by exhibit-E™