Jessica Backhaus

Dina Wind (1938 - 2014) and Jessica Backhaus
Dina Wind (1938 - 2014) and Jessica Backhaus

March 7 - April 22, 2023

Abstract Dimensions

Jessica Backhaus
Jessica Backhaus

March 1 - June 7, 2020

"Sea Pieces Facts and Fiction" at Museum Kunst der Westküste

Jessica Backhaus at Galerie Stihl Waiblingen
Jessica Backhaus at Galerie Stihl Waiblingen

May 11 - August 25, 2019

Aufgeblüht und abgelichtet: Blumen in der Fotografie

Jessica Backhaus in "We love Photography!"
Jessica Backhaus in "We love Photography!"

February 1 - May 24, 2019

Deutsch Borse Photography Foundation

Experience of Place
Experience of Place

September 8 - October 30, 2015

A Group Photography Exhibition

In the Vault: Jessica Backhaus
In the Vault: Jessica Backhaus

December 11, 2012 - January 19, 2013

I Wanted to See the World

Bridgette Mayer Gallery   709 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106   tel 215 413 8893   fax 215 413 2283   Site by exhibit-E™