Radcliffe Bailey

"Radcliffe Bailey" The New Yorker. 5/23/11.

"Radcliffe Bailey" The New Yorker. 5/23/11.

Hudson, Suzanne. "Radcliffe Bailey: Memory as Medicine". Artforum.  5/11.

Hudson, Suzanne. "Radcliffe Bailey: Memory as Medicine". Artforum. 5/11.

"Radcliffe Bailey, 'Outer Spaceways'" TimeOut New York. 4/28/11.

"Radcliffe Bailey, 'Outer Spaceways'" TimeOut New York. 4/28/11.

Thompson, Carol. "Memory as Medicine..." Black Renaissance Noire. 2008

Thompson, Carol. "Memory as Medicine..." Black Renaissance Noire. 2008

Carroll, Sean. "NeoHooDoo: Art for a Forgotten Faith" Artforum. 7/23/08.

Carroll, Sean. "NeoHooDoo: Art for a Forgotten Faith" Artforum. 7/23/08.

Heartney, Eleanor, "Radcliffe Bailey at Jack Shainman" Art in America. 4/00.

Heartney, Eleanor, "Radcliffe Bailey at Jack Shainman" Art in America. 4/00.

Bridgette Mayer Gallery   709 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106   tel 215 413 8893   fax 215 413 2283   bmayer@bmayerart.com   Site by exhibit-E™